It depends on the category of firearm / gun and are the following :
- Self-defence - Five years
- Business purposes - Two years
- Hunting / Sports shooting - Ten years
The certificate is valid for five years and must be valid at the time of applying for the licence.
Contact GunWise to assist you with your application to renew your Competency Certificate.
The applicant has to submit an application form (SAPS 517) for a Competency Certificate to the Designated Firearms Officer (DFO) at the applicant’s nearest police station and comply to the following qualifications :
The applicant must :
- Be 21 years old
- Pass a thorough background check (DFO interview)
- Have a clear criminal record for a variety of crimes
- Have a basic knowledge of the law (Training course)
- Know how to use a firearm / gun (Part of basic training course).
In order to get a licence for a firearm / gun, you must do the following:
- Complete a basic training course,
- Apply for a competency certificate, then
- Apply for a licence
You simply make an appointment with one of many accredited training institutions in you area and make a booking or you can Contact GunWise to make a booking on your behalf. They will arrange a time which will suit your schedule. You can find the list of accredited training institutions on the GunWise Website.
You should obtain advice from an experienced consultant with a proven track record to assist you with an appeal as one requires an intimate knowledge of the legal issues involved when appealing. GunWise has an excellent success rate with appeals and will gladly assist you. Contact GunWise today to assist you!
You should submit an appeal to the Appeal Board. It is advisable to contact an experienced consultant with a proven track record to assist you as one requires an intimate knowledge of the legal issues involved when appealing. GunWise has an excellent success rate with appeals and will gladly assist you. Contact GunWise today to assist you!
You must report this to your nearest police station. You can then apply for a replacement copy. Contact GunWise for professional assistance!
You must report this to your nearest police station. Although one may be afraid to do so, failure to report will probably not be in your interest as you may be prosecuted.
Contact GunWise for assistance.
You may own 200 rounds of ammunition for each firearm / gun you own and can only have ammunition that is suitable for that particular firearm / gun. (This does not apply to dedicated hunters or sports persons.)
The Firearm Act limits the number of firearms / guns which may be licensed to one person, depending on each person’s needs and are the following :
One firearm / gun
Occasional hunting / sports shooting
Four (including one handgun)
Dedicated hunting / sports shooting
No limit. You must prove that you are a member of a hunting or sports organisation and must show a need for additional firearms / guns.
Business purposes (security, instructors, game hunters)
No limit, but strict conditions apply
The DFO does a number of things
1. The DFO does an inspection of your safe. The DFO arranges an appointment to visit your home and check that your safe or strong room complies with the regulations.
2. The DFO usually conducts telephone interviews with your partner/spouse or other reference which you mentioned in the application.
3. The DFO will check your criminal record for a record of domestic violence and whether you already have a firearm licence.
It will depend on whether you apply for one, two or all three categories of firearms / guns.
The categories are – handgun, shotgun and rifle. The cost varies between areas and trainers, but are on average between R350 and R1000.
It costs R70, which must be paid in cash when the application is submitted at your police station.
You may not be issued a firearm licence for a period of five years
The DFO will hand you a receipt. It is very important to safeguard the receipt as the receipt number is you reference number which must be declared when enquiring about you application.
Contact GunWise with your reference number and we will add you to our weekly list of enquiries on progress with applications to the CFR
The CFR is the “Central Firearms Registry” based in Pretoria.
They receive applications for firearm / gun licences and either approves or declines an application.
Contact GunWise today to add your reference to our weekly list of enquiries to the CFR.
A DFO is short for a “Designated Firearm Officer”.
Every police station has a DFO, apart from very small or satellite police stations. The DFO will receive applications and will ask you some questions. They are often very busy as they have to attend to a variety of tasks at the police station and may require a prior appointment.